I fear, Billy, that this is going to be a long war. I won't live to see it evolve into a somewhat reasoned contest; you might. I hope so. In the meanwhile, for those who care about the benefits of governing instead of making millionaires out of every lawyer in the land and warriors of every elective office have a lot of work to do. Guarantees are not currently available.

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I have never worked in DEI hiring so my knowledge is scant on the policies and principles in government and private employment. All I know is we have a much more diverse workforce than when I was growing up, as a white woman, in the 50’s and 60’s. I told my experience to a group of diverse men and women of my upbringing. I could not get a credit card, car or house loan without my fathers or husbands signature. I could not get birth control unless married. I was fortunate to get a college degree and hired to work as an archeologists for the forest service but often felt uncomfortable with sexual remarks. There were no people of color and all the top jobs were held by white men. To summarize I feel like the removal of DEI is suppose to get white boys off the couch, stop playing video games all day and complaining about women and people of color taking their jobs. I guess we’ll see. Just my guess.

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