The legislators have changed. When I came to AZ in 78 most Rs and Ds had been around a long time and we're civic minded. My job was to elevate professionalism of allied health and nursing education; We organized Health Occupations Education of AZ and got high school through university programs funded. Next we organized the Arizona Vocational Association to advocate for all what is now called CTE and got that funded. Next we created the Arizona Vocational Occupational Association to get Community College Programs funded. In general this worked and we had one of the best funded systems in USA until the Gov Mecham debacle disillusioned the public with term limits and opportunists being the ultimate result. Working together worked, terrible leadership destroyed the aura and we now have one of the worst funded systems in the USA. Leadership matters. Charisma them elected it is competence and character that are essential.
First, you continue to use the word “union” over association. You clearly explained yourself, the AEA is made up of a variety of entities. People misconstrue what the entire association is and how it works when you call it a union. There are no true benefits to belonging as there is for the American Auto Workers. There are teachers unions in other states. I completely agree about the discipline component of your argument. Do something about the damn phones in the classroom. Teachers have little control and school administrators are also under paid and under staffed. As for ignoring the ESA it is a travesty and the deregulation of charters and private schools is hypocritical. This screams anti public school and is just another way of privatizing schools, yes we should be concerned where our tax dollars go. As the Eddie Farnsworth’s of the world taught us; Make the laws, abuse the law and retire wealthy. If the issue could be separated out that would be a miracle. I really enjoy your perspective as a public school educator. It’s thoughtful and well explained. Even though we don’t have a union just a group of we’ll intentioned people who can’t seem to get it together.
The legislators have changed. When I came to AZ in 78 most Rs and Ds had been around a long time and we're civic minded. My job was to elevate professionalism of allied health and nursing education; We organized Health Occupations Education of AZ and got high school through university programs funded. Next we organized the Arizona Vocational Association to advocate for all what is now called CTE and got that funded. Next we created the Arizona Vocational Occupational Association to get Community College Programs funded. In general this worked and we had one of the best funded systems in USA until the Gov Mecham debacle disillusioned the public with term limits and opportunists being the ultimate result. Working together worked, terrible leadership destroyed the aura and we now have one of the worst funded systems in the USA. Leadership matters. Charisma them elected it is competence and character that are essential.
First, you continue to use the word “union” over association. You clearly explained yourself, the AEA is made up of a variety of entities. People misconstrue what the entire association is and how it works when you call it a union. There are no true benefits to belonging as there is for the American Auto Workers. There are teachers unions in other states. I completely agree about the discipline component of your argument. Do something about the damn phones in the classroom. Teachers have little control and school administrators are also under paid and under staffed. As for ignoring the ESA it is a travesty and the deregulation of charters and private schools is hypocritical. This screams anti public school and is just another way of privatizing schools, yes we should be concerned where our tax dollars go. As the Eddie Farnsworth’s of the world taught us; Make the laws, abuse the law and retire wealthy. If the issue could be separated out that would be a miracle. I really enjoy your perspective as a public school educator. It’s thoughtful and well explained. Even though we don’t have a union just a group of we’ll intentioned people who can’t seem to get it together.