Something I’ve noticed lately is that conspiracy theories seem to be on the rise. If you’re a user of the internet, you’ve probably noticed some of these conspiracy theories. People seem to be getting more paranoid by the minute. It would be easy to blame Facebook for this epidemic of paranoia, but perhaps there’s a different explanation.
Think about it.
We tend to think about alien invasions from the cookie-cutter Hollywood depictions. You know the ones I’m talking about. A giant spaceship lands on the Earth. A martian walks off the ship and declares, “Take me to your leader.” And the next thing you know, more spaceships arrive and they destroy our cities with gigantic laser beams.
But if actual aliens were to invade our planet, it would probably look much different. There are whole other dimensions to the universe. These aliens might be so advanced, so out-of-this-world, that our puny brains wouldn’t even be able to comprehend their methods of destroying human society.
On March 13, 1997, nearly 10,000 residents of Arizona reported seeing a strange, unidentified flying object flying around the desert. Some witnesses described it as a series of lights, but many others reported seeing a huge, triangular shaped spacecraft.
Eye-witness sketches of the spacecraft can be seen at the Arizona Historical Society museum in Tempe. The exhibit’s promotion encourages visitors to “investigate the galactic mystery of the Phoenix Lights.”
The triangular spacecraft was estimated to be up to a mile long.
A graphic artist I found online has produced some incredible images for what this spacecraft may have looked like.
Another peculiar phenomenon on that fateful night was discussed ten years later in UFO Magazine:
… [UFO researcher Jim Dilettoso] recalled reading an article in the July 1997 issue of Scientific American that reported bursts of gamma radiation, a very unusual phenomenon, were detected by the Hubble Telescope that same March evening. The gamma radiation was eventually traced back to somewhere within our own solar system, and Dilettoso wonders if the extraterrestrials may travel as an energy field that gathers mass and momentum as they arrive here on earth.
There have been some official explanations given by the authorities, but, quite frankly, they raise more questions than answers.
Since our cities have not been destroyed by laser beams, it would be easy to surmise that these aliens came in peace, maybe to collect research or something.
But if you look around at our society today — the chaos, the confusion, the paranoia — you might start to wonder if these aliens might be operating on a different wavelength.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying I know for sure that space aliens are attacking our society in a stealth campaign of mind control.
I’m just asking questions.